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Published by Equipo GNOSS


Hi gnossonaut!As we told you in previous communications, in recent weeks we have been working to link data with other websites. The result is visible since yesterday, as has connected its data with Freebase. Ricardo Alonso Maturana, CEO, has talked about it on his blog Watermelon.
 GNOSS.COM EVENTS AND SEMINARSNext week, Ricardo Alonso Maturana is participating in the Innovation Forum of La Rioja (Foro de la Innovación de La Rioja), which will take place on Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th in Riojaforum (Logroño). Also in the framework of this Forum, we are presenting the Crea Business Idea EmprendeRioja community, a virtual space for creativity and business innovation to support the entrepreneurs. Those are not the only events whe...

